- Watching last week’s Journeyman. Shit’s getting craazy! #
- Hahlo is missing features… Like a way to follow new people. #
- I was surprised to find out we were having some sort of Chinese too this evening… Like @Scobleizer #
- [flickr] Christmas Eve Dinner: rpechler posted a photo: http://tinyurl.com/2dq4d3 #
- [flickr] That was quick: rpechler posted a photo: http://tinyurl.com/2a8dsw #
- [flickr] Sleeping through the Festivities: rpechler posted a photo: http://tinyurl.com/3apb93 #
- Not feeling like wrapping presents. I should have bought some gift bags. #
- @ijohnpederson I just showed that Lessig video to my mom. Interestingly, she’s in a similar line of work as you. #
- @robknight Merry Christmas! #
- Just linked my Google Account and YouTube Account. #
- When did YouTube video quality go up? Everything looks great! #
- Merry Christmas California! #
- @danielsoneg right, well that too =D #
- @kimonostereo what’s the deal with the giveaway? #
- @kimonostereo Oh, cool! But, I’ll pass. Thanks tho! #
- I remember when getting video together on the PC was hard. Not to mention putting it online! Lucky kids these days. #
- My mom told me earlier tonight that they never taught me to believe in Santa Claus…and I’m glad. I didn’t remember if I had ever believed. #
- @kimonostereo …should be easier when the rest of the U.S. wakes up. =D #
- With Episode 13, Journeyman just became really really awesome! (The story is filling out, and it’s becoming more plausible and realistic) #
- As a perfectionist, I’d like a tool (web app) that would let me suggest corrections to a site owner (or blogger or editor). Bookmarklet? #
- Something heavy just ran across the roof. Probably a fat raccoon. Now he’s on the deck. Me no likey. #
- @irinaslutsky Cool house! (I’d put it in a tree though) #
- @irinaslutsky did you come across it because it’s what the Current TV studio set is designed after? #
- "Twitter is just IRC turned inside out. It’s a giant IRC channel for the whole twitterverse, but everyone is by default set to ignore." #
- That’s from http://tinyurl.com/2co6l5 #
- OMG. How am I going to wake up in 4.5 hours? #
- Crazy. I just emailed 2 people at 4AM in California… and they both replied within minutes. I can’t sleep either. #
- OmniFocus (Mac GTD App) looks awesome! Just watched the large size intro video. #
- "I use firefox tabs as post-it notes. I have 324 open tabs…" Firefox is not a good GTD system. WTF. #