Fitness Personal

Raw Food Diet

Inspired by a blog post from a high school classmate of mine (on his blog about organic food and his adaptation to a raw food diet)… I’ve spontaneously embraced the idea and just had a 99% raw dinner in the dining hall (about 50% organic). Here’s what I had:

Garbanzo Beans
Shredded Carrot
Sliced green bell peppers
A few small cubes of tofu (not raw)
Cherry tomatoes

And 2 glasses of water

That’s probably not the best meal, but it was actually rather tasty, and the whole experience feels good so far, but I of course haven’t seen any real health benefits yet.

Why the spontaneous life-change? Well, I had just stuffed myself with fast food, and was feeling guilty and bloated… So, the promise of feeling healthier was, and is, quite attractive. And it all started with this video:

Here are some other good videos:
and more from the same guy:

Naturally, I was a little suspicious of some of his scientific claims, however, I’ve seen nothing to dispute them, and the Raw Foodism Wikipedia article is encouraging.

My plans? I’m really hoping to feel a noticeable difference within a week… reduced stress would really help in this last 2 weeks of college. So, my fingers are crossed and let’s see where this goes. But also, a raw food diet totally fits in with my solar power, sustainable housing and transportation ideals, so whatever happens, my diet will definitely have a much higher percentage of raw fruits and vegetables from now on.

4 replies on “Raw Food Diet”


i think that you can already feel a noticeable difference; I'm guessing you felt good about eating right, and not “bloated or guilty”… the absence of negative feelings might not be noticeable because you're too busy feeling good

as for reduced stress… it's easy to adopt the attitudes of people around us, but not necessarily the best way. Inspirational speakers such as wayne dyer and tony robbins speak of feeling deep gratitude simply for life, being, and breathing. In my experience I've confirmed that reality – we can be ecstatic with what we have. Breath is a present of the present that appreciates with presence. And clearly without breath how can we appreciate the love, success, etc…?

camus said that the only serious question was whether you want to commit suicide. seems relevant to me because when we feel stressed it seems like we're acting like we are not accepting life in its entirety. of course if someone asked would you rather be alive and have many finals or dead, you'd pick life

you might notice that nearly all your decisions are between better and better not good or bad or bad or worse

we're more response-able than we know 🙂

Hi Rex! I've just spent a hour on your site and was fascinated. Are you still on your raw food diet? Did you notice a difference? I've been interested in this diet for some time.

I've been trying to eat about 70% raw food. It's hard with my nephew
visiting, who's growing and eating tempting food all the time. I'll
resume my diet in a week when he leaves. But I did lose like 8 pounds
in my first 2-3 weeks of eating primarily raw fruits and vegetables,
and was just starting to get into “green smoothies”

You're thinking about trying raw food?

I've been trying to eat about 70% raw food. It's hard with my nephew
visiting, who's growing and eating tempting food all the time. I'll
resume my diet in a week when he leaves. But I did lose like 8 pounds
in my first 2-3 weeks of eating primarily raw fruits and vegetables,
and was just starting to get into “green smoothies”

You're thinking about trying raw food?

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