Mac Productivity

Mac 101: Keyboard text selection

I use these all the time… especially holding Option or Command while using the arrows to move the cursor around.

To select text you hold down the SHIFT key and then use the arrow keys or HOME, END, PAGEUP, and PAGEDOWN. The left/right arrow keys (plus SHIFT) will increase the selection one character in that direction, if you hold down the OPTION (⌥) key the left/right arrows will select an entire word in that direction, and if you hold down the ⌘ key the left/right arrows will select to the beginning or end of the line. The up/down arrow keys (plus SHIFT) will select a full line up or down; with the OPTION key held down the up/down arrows will select a paragraph. The HOME key (plus SHIFT) will select all the text to the beginning of the document and the END key (plus SHIFT) will select all the text to the end of the document. Finally, the PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys (plus SHIFT) will select a full “page” up or down.
Mac 101: Keyboard text selection – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)

You only need to hold Shift if you want to select text. Without holding shift, the aforementioned key commands will just move the cursor around. You probably don’t realize how much time you waste trying to point with that Trackpad on your MacBook.

Mobile Web

Facebook for iPhone… Still Incomplete

I just saw a post by Robert Scoble, where he mentions the iPhone interface for Facebook that Joe Hewitt created. Facebook for iPhone looks pretty slick, I’ll admit that. But it is also missing a ton of essential features.My top wishlist / feature requests:

  • Commenting on photos
  • Edit Profile info
  • Message people from their profile
  • Groups

These are all things that don’t work on the current iPhone interface, but seem like a serious missing feature. Now, I’m not sure who to point my finger at, but I’m disappointed that there’s been no apparent improvement to the iPhone interface since it was released about 6 months ago.

Media Web

No More Daily Twitter Summaries

I’ve just had too much trouble getting Twitter-Tools to do exactly what I want. I’ve been thinking about New Year’s resolutions, and maybe blogging every day consistently is something I’d like to achieve. Happy 2008! 


What I did on Wednesday, Jan 2, 2008

  • My current geotagging workflow: Copy photos to HD. Download .gpx. GPSPhotoLinker. Import into iPhoto. Sort/Edit. Upload. Trying to automate. #
  • I’ve recently become obsessed with data collection. #
  • #
  • Bob Weir (Grateful Dead) and Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac) apparently went to my highschool. (Menlo-Atherton) #

What I did on Monday, Dec 31, 2007

  • We saw/counted 79 Banana Slugs on the Big Basin to the Sea trail today. Beautiful Sunday. #
  • Brought my GPS datalogger along, currently geotagging 252 photos. #
  • Snowboarding at Sugar Bowl with @Brittni and Brent. Tracking my runs with my GPS datalogger (!). #

What I did on Saturday, Dec 29, 2007

  • I’m at Bad Ass Coffee in Santa Cruz. The cashier just told me that you can’t make a cappuccino with Half&Half… because it doesn’t foam. #
  • I’m calling BS tho, cuz I’ve had plenty foamy cappuccinos made with Half&Half. Any coffee nuts have an opinion? #
  • They made me a latte. That’s not even what I asked for. Hmm. Last time, I ordered the same thing, and it was great. Maybe it’s the cashier. #
  • Still tasty, I must admit. =D #
  • Using the free Macs at this cafe. The new aluminum keyboards are nice. #
  • At Marianne’s for 10-20 Ice Cream. #
  • My iPhone Lyrics wishes/prayers have been answered check out in =D #
  • @danielsoneg Thanks for the info! Now I want to go back to Bad Ass… But I’m out of town. #
  • I just spent too much time restoring my 1.1.2 iPhone, downgrading to 1.1.1 to jailbreak, then upgrading to 1.1.2 again. #
  • And something went wrong, because I don’t have anymore… so I’m pretty much back where I started. Grr. #
  • @Brittni, Welcome to Twitter! #

What I did on Friday, Dec 28, 2007

  • My Twitter stats, to date: Thanks @dacort for the perl script! #
  • Of course, you never judge a band by it’s name. But I’m just checking out @afinefrenzy, and I was expecting punk. Definitely not punk. #
  • @davewiner why’s it called OPML.dmg? #
  • @davewiner … lol, nevermind, sorry. =D #
  • So, where do I get Absinthe in the SF Bay Area? (I’m in SJ right now) #
  • I’ve only read about it in Hemingway books… apparently it’s legal now in the US?! (OMG) #
  • "Ernest Hemingway is said to have been a consummate absinthe drinker and was known to have a glass or two before running with the bulls." #
  • @dacort Well, I do like black licorice… So, I’ll probably at least like the taste. =D #
  • off to see Sweeny Todd at Oakridge #
  • Valet parking at the Mall. (Rushing to a movie) #
  • Chowing down at Sushi Boat. $30 / 10 minutes. #
  • @dacort re: drunken pie making … seen Sweeney Todd yet? #
  • I hope there’s a cure for cancer before I get it. #
  • @rsuenaga, "Unknown User … There is no user ryansuenaga at" #
  • @MarinaMartin interesting… we both tweet less around noon #
  • I can’t believe I’ve been on Twitter for 12 months already. It doesn’t feel like it at all. #
  • @MarinaMartin Some spammer’s been using my as the "sender" address for some time now. Quite frustrating. #
  • @robknight you beat me to it… I apparently joined Jan 31 this year. So, I have just over a month I guess before my ‘Twitterversary’. #
  • @Akula, @MarinaMartin Srsly… I met some kid at work who said, proudly (!), that his friend was a spammer. (Pretty sure he was let go) #
  • @RobKnight, kinda fun to look at those old tweets… @dacort ‘s perl script / csv file make it pretty easy. #
  • @MarinaMartin I’m not sure I’d go that far, but… yeah. #
  • /drinking sleepytime #
  • ooh, I set up OmniFocus with so I can add tasks via email (from my iPhone) !! #
  • Looking at my old tweets (.csv) in TextEdit. Fun. #
  • Twitter archives are way better than trying to keep a diary, in terms of keeping track of my daily life. For many reasons. Esp. incentive. #
  • /says goodnight #
  • um, hi @HRBlock, welcome to Twitter. Seriously. #
  • Just looking at … Why’s it all (mostly) Dutch? #
  • Hello, Hulu! (Thanks, Mashable Invites!) #

What I did on Thursday, Dec 27, 2007

  • Touring Downtown Half Moon Bay #
  • Just got a 22" LCD from Fry’s ($169 !!). It’s not the best quality, but the reviews were good. 15" was not enough for everything I do. #
  • JustgotamessagelikethisinmyemailfromafriendthroughEvite…thoughtI’dtryitheretoseehowitlooksonTwitter…TheplaceIusuallyamtryingtosparechars #
  • [flickr] Just Add Water and Scramble: rexpechler posted a photo:

    At REI in Mountain View. #

  • search is broken? #
  • no, just really slow apparently #
  • @StarrGazr How are you putting the Eye-Fi to use? #
  • @dacort I’d like to check out your perl script =D #

Twitter Stats 2007-12-27

Twitter Stats 2007-12-27, originally uploaded by rexpechler.

Graphical representation on my Twittering activity. Thanks to for the perl script. More info:

Notice on Tweets per Hour, that I tweet very little in the middle of the day.
On Tweets per day, my procrastination reaches a maximum mid-week.
And in Tweets per Month, I Twittered away very little time during my summer internship at Google.


Just Add Water and Scramble

Just Add Water and Scramble, originally uploaded by rexpechler.

At REI in Mountain View.