- still hungry. Gimme some cornbread. #
Author: Rex
What I did on Tuesday, Dec 25, 2007
- Watching last week’s Journeyman. Shit’s getting craazy! #
- Hahlo is missing features… Like a way to follow new people. #
- I was surprised to find out we were having some sort of Chinese too this evening… Like @Scobleizer #
- [flickr] Christmas Eve Dinner: rpechler posted a photo: http://tinyurl.com/2dq4d3 #
- [flickr] That was quick: rpechler posted a photo: http://tinyurl.com/2a8dsw #
- [flickr] Sleeping through the Festivities: rpechler posted a photo: http://tinyurl.com/3apb93 #
- Not feeling like wrapping presents. I should have bought some gift bags. #
- @ijohnpederson I just showed that Lessig video to my mom. Interestingly, she’s in a similar line of work as you. #
- @robknight Merry Christmas! #
- Just linked my Google Account and YouTube Account. #
- When did YouTube video quality go up? Everything looks great! #
- Merry Christmas California! #
- @danielsoneg right, well that too =D #
- @kimonostereo what’s the deal with the giveaway? #
- @kimonostereo Oh, cool! But, I’ll pass. Thanks tho! #
- I remember when getting video together on the PC was hard. Not to mention putting it online! Lucky kids these days. #
- My mom told me earlier tonight that they never taught me to believe in Santa Claus…and I’m glad. I didn’t remember if I had ever believed. #
- @kimonostereo …should be easier when the rest of the U.S. wakes up. =D #
- With Episode 13, Journeyman just became really really awesome! (The story is filling out, and it’s becoming more plausible and realistic) #
- As a perfectionist, I’d like a tool (web app) that would let me suggest corrections to a site owner (or blogger or editor). Bookmarklet? #
- Something heavy just ran across the roof. Probably a fat raccoon. Now he’s on the deck. Me no likey. #
- @irinaslutsky Cool house! (I’d put it in a tree though) #
- @irinaslutsky did you come across it because it’s what the Current TV studio set is designed after? #
- "Twitter is just IRC turned inside out. It’s a giant IRC channel for the whole twitterverse, but everyone is by default set to ignore." #
- That’s from http://tinyurl.com/2co6l5 #
- OMG. How am I going to wake up in 4.5 hours? #
- Crazy. I just emailed 2 people at 4AM in California… and they both replied within minutes. I can’t sleep either. #
- OmniFocus (Mac GTD App) looks awesome! Just watched the large size intro video. #
- "I use firefox tabs as post-it notes. I have 324 open tabs…" Firefox is not a good GTD system. WTF. #
What I did on Monday, Dec 24, 2007
- Hacking together an iPhoto Geo-Tagging workflow. #
- @StarrGazr Thanks! And to you. #
- spokeo.com is great! It’s finding all my friends’ MySpace pages among other things… #
- @Scobleizer okay #
- @MarinaMartin too much space after the H2’s #
- @MarinaMartin … and more space before #
- Do I have the date wrong? why’s everyone opening presents already? #
- What’s the deal with Notifications? What if I want to turn SMS Notifications on for all people I’m following? #
- I like today’s Rhymes with Orange comic: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/rhymes.asp #
Christmas Eve Dinner
What I did on Sunday, Dec 23, 2007
- Restoring my iPhone. #
- Yay! It’s like a brand new iPhone! #
- I want this license plate: 1RIE420 #
- Woohoo! Consistent WIFI to "the cottage" in back of my parents’ house. Finally. #
- Oh. And this time, I made sure to only have one DHCP server, so we’re finally all on the same network, and can print and share files easily. #
- Seesmic is something like what YouTube used to be… in terms of personal conversation. #
- What’s your favorite Hex Editor for Mac? #
- That Samsung Juke is apparently not loud enough. My girlfriend never hears it ring. #
- If you’re 1337, you watch the Installer.app log whenever you install anything on your mac. (CMD+L) #
- It’s fun to watch famous (?) Mac programmers chat on Twitter. Thanks @brentsimmons and @danielpunkass #
- Anyway, I’m finally installing Xcode #
- @chrispirillo is crazy. http://chris.pirillo.com/video/christmas/ #
- @phillymac, ah well, maybe someday. Just let me know. =D #
- When my blog is full of Twitter summaries, I know it’s really time to start blogging again. #
- did you know [Shift] disables the "flash" in PhotoBooth.app? #
- Is there any good website for finding tech products in local stores? #
- Say I wanted to buy a certain camera… currently, I go to each store’s website (bestbuy/circuitcity/frys/…/.com) looking for lowest price #
- This whole iPod Touch / iPhone VOIP confirmed for New Years thing is starting to sound like iphonesimfree (scammy) #
- No CSS at http://staples.com #
- I’m getting PT80 Label Makers for my girlfriend and mom. GTD. #
- Do the people of Fiji actually benefit from the sale of Fiji Water here in the US? I think the should, but don’t think they do. #
- My mom just asked for an invite to Facebook. Lookout! #
- @courosa Agreed. @khokanson, I would only use a HD camcorder if you’re frequently recording events longer than 60 mins, and shorter than 3hr #
- FacebookSync for Apple Address Book is awesome! http://www.fsbsoftware.com/ #
- The best part of FacebookSync: It downloads your friends’ Profile Pictures to Address Book. #
- Just sync’ed my iPhone, so now I have all your pictures for when you call me. #
- Oot and aboot today. SMS on. #
- [flickr] Hanns-G 28" LCD Monitor: rpechler posted a photo: http://tinyurl.com/223cwa #
Hanns-G 28″ LCD Monitor
- Today’s sure going by quickly… Probably because it’s the shortest day of the year. (Winter Solstice). #
- I’m supposed to be locked out of my room at the UCSC Inn (along with everyone else) over winter break. But my key still works! =P #
- my video is working on vawkr now #
- @danielsoneg your sister is cool. #
- In the grand scheme of things, there’s no reason we should find low-quality video acceptable. I want HD video conferencing on my cellphone. #
- I want to use my iPhone as a virtual external display for my laptop. #
- Downloading ie4osx: http://www.kronenberg.org/ies4osx #
- @davewiner … no AppleCare? #
- Very strange problem on my mac right now: no copy/paste, and no click+drag. Don’t know why. Too lazy to restart. Using QS as a workaround. #
- Ughh.. time for a restart I guess. #
- @phillymac uh oh! a restart didn’t fix the problem! #
- @phillymac, you could always work at the Boston office 😉 http://tinyurl.com/22obzj #
- btw, fixed my #Leopard problem, with a repair permissions and reboot. #
- at Santana Row Best Buy. Ogling a 28" LCD. Too bad I’m not getting -this- for Christmas. #
- @MarinaMartin… apparently, I could fight 28 five year olds. How did you score? #
- @LoicLeMeur I’ll take a Seesmic invite! #
- Thanks! @LoicLeMeur #
- @MarinaMartin, I wonder what the max is… #
- Cool! @Stammy #
- @robknight … seriously.. I think it’s because it’s so expensive to do a flash audio recorder. #
- Oh boy, Seesmic is too entertaining! #
- @MarinaMartin where? #
- @MarinaMartin… I don’t have that. = #
- [flickr] Lyrics.app for iPhone (idea): rpechler posted a photo:
I wish I could make this. I .. http://tinyurl.com/2qp34y #
- ‘Night Twitterdom #
- remember this? http://www.yeeguy.com/freefall/georgerag.swf (Bush Freefall Game) #
- @RobKnight fun game! #
What I did on Friday, Dec 21, 2007
- christmas lights finally wired up. starting to feel like christmas now at my parents’ house #
- tired of Snitter. and don’t want to pay for Twitteriffic. #
- @v notifications coming to IM? please elaborate #
- thanks @v for the suggestion! I’m running the old Twitteriffic without the ads now! #
- @danielpunkass so, if you do stay over, it’s implied you should tip the servants? #
- @danielpunkass well, I’ll try to remember this if I’m ever staying the night in a house with servants. Ha! #
- dinnertime! #
- Just told Facebook TwitterSync to filter out tweets containing the ‘@’ character. #
- Going to see Beowulf at 7:25 at AMC 20 in Santa Clara. #
- Getting ready to watch Beowulf in 3D. You get these cool glasses! #
- @jowyang, be careful with the GorillaPod. I broke the small one. That size is probably only good for compact digicams. #
- @phillymac It’s my dream job too! If your serious, let’s talk about it. #
- @dsifry true dat. #
- @Ross, vawkr.com looks promising… it’s not picking up my MBP (USB) iSight either #
- @irinaslutsky have you tried Philips Senseo. It’s probably the closest to coffee delivery (in convenience) #